Thursday, October 27, 2022

Ch 9 - Brighter Times

 Brighter Times

There will be sunshine, come tomorrow.

There will be smiles and better days, come tomorrow.

There will be music, come tomorrow.

There will be happiness and love for your fellow man, come tomorrow.

Yes, come tomorrow there will be sunshine and no reason to cry.

Oh, tonight let’s focus on tomorrow.

Oh, tonight let’s focus on bringing laughter, and song so we can forget about sorrow.  

Oh, tonight let’s focus on showing kindness so that come tomorrow.

Yes, come tomorrow there will be sunshine, for tonight we showed love for one and each other.

Like brothers and sisters, we can live for tomorrow.

Like brothers and sisters, we can have love for our neighbor.

Like brothers and sisters, we can live for tomorrow.

Yes, come tonight let’s show harmony so that there will be sunshine come tomorrow.

Poem by Silver Ray Evens.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Ch 8 - 4.2.3 - Document File Formats

  • Doc - Word documents from 97-2003 are in this format.
  • Docx - Default document that Word saves as.
  • HTML - Converts the document into a webpage.
  • PDF - Is the most portable, great for final documents and locks in the stylings. 
  • TXT - Can be opened in any program that can read text but will strip any formatting.





Here's hoping this helps in understanding when to use what kind of  documents. 

Thursday, October 13, 2022

CH. 7 Our Path.

As we start to develop a process there will be events that will shake up the cement. The question becomes are we firm enough to hold true to our path as to let the cement dry, or is our foundation shaky enough to be dissuaded from our goals? Can we say no to things that are fun for the sake of our goals. When things lay in front of us for better or for worse, can we say no thank you for that interferes with the path I have already started walking? I think there is a reason why we put in all those steps towards our goal, two works that our paths exist for. The first is a process and the things we do to support that process, the day in and day out of building these skills and staying on track. The second is the utility of that process in our lives. Let us not forget that we are studying in order to implement those skills that we have built. Take the time to remind yourself about the good work of using our works. What have your classes already done for you? Id like to hear it. Thanks guys and until next time peace out.


Thursday, October 6, 2022

Ch. 6 - 2.1.2 Desktop vs. Mobile Devices

Whenever I think of big powerful systems for home use I tend to think about PC gamers yet I forget that most PC gamers won't even touch the full scope of everything that their computer can do. I often overlook the fact that animators and places like Pixar Studios are using there PCs in ways that I never thought of, probably pushing the capabilities of their machines to the limit.

Laptops are fun and all yet I cant help but feel like there portability and power just renders them the perfect little trooper. 

Phones are catching up to some laptops and that is a startling development, I wonder when we are just going to have a hole 3d holographic imager that operates like a PC that springs from our smart watch and runs off of fiber optics.