Thursday, October 6, 2022

Ch. 6 - 2.1.2 Desktop vs. Mobile Devices

Whenever I think of big powerful systems for home use I tend to think about PC gamers yet I forget that most PC gamers won't even touch the full scope of everything that their computer can do. I often overlook the fact that animators and places like Pixar Studios are using there PCs in ways that I never thought of, probably pushing the capabilities of their machines to the limit.

Laptops are fun and all yet I cant help but feel like there portability and power just renders them the perfect little trooper. 

Phones are catching up to some laptops and that is a startling development, I wonder when we are just going to have a hole 3d holographic imager that operates like a PC that springs from our smart watch and runs off of fiber optics.


  1. Yes, desktop devices can be as robust as one is willing to pay :-)

    Laptops' portability make them perfect little troopers ^_^

    Some smartphones are already more powerful than low-end laptops!

  2. I use my phone for everything right now but after this class I tend to do more on a laptop

  3. Tablets/Laptops are definitely helpful when you are mobile and do not want to carry a desktop and monitor setup. Portable devices still have a long ways to go if they want to match the power and customization of a desktop.

  4. Well in comparison, the cell phone was created using a desktop. We can't live one without the other. What do you guys think?

  5. Personally, I use my cell phone for a lot of my work. It is my mini personal computer when I'm not home. It tends to be tedious when trying to create documents, so I just create drafts then save them to the cloud and work on them from my laptop(s) at home. Computer capabilities are endless now a days.

  6. Desktops are strong but can take up a lot of space. Laptops are great at being portable. Phones can be more convenient than laptop sometimes because they are easier to carry around and can be as strong as a laptop

  7. I don’t rely too much on my phone even though they are becoming more powerful. I still like doing everything on my laptop or tablet.

  8. Personally, mobile devices are convenient but aren't enough to get work done; the size bothers me. With desktops/laptops, I feel like I can do much more. I don't even wanna think about the battery life of my laptop though... *sigh* that's a whole different story. In the worst way.

  9. I use my phone for phone and local finds. I still use my computer for everything that is school or work related. Thanks for the information.

  10. I can't picture myself using my mobile device for a lot of the things I do on my laptop. I do wish that I had a new desktop!

  11. I personally love my laptop compared to a desktop. I think the fact that it's a touchscreen is one of the reasons I love using it vs a desktop. The only thing I want to add to my laptop is multiple screens. I'm so used to working with multiple monitor screens for work that when I use my laptop, I feel as if I'm not working as efficiently as I could be. I know there are devices that I can add to my laptop to give it multiple screens and keep it portable, but those are very expensive.

  12. Thank you for your article that makes us re-examine our high-tech lives. There's still a massive market for PCS, and gamers, for example, tend to go for very high-end specs. Of course, smartphones do bring great convenience to our life.

  13. I want to actually invest in a PC because I like playing video games online. I use my laptop but it doesn't really satisfy the dual-monitor add-on that I would like.

  14. Thanks for sharing. I love my laptop and phone but when I have a enough money I would build a High End gaming PC.

  15. I'm also waiting for the day they add holographic type projectors onto cell phones!

  16. I agree; I do believe that phones have almost equal flexibility to laptops.

  17. Phones are definitely useful when it comes to sending files.
