Thursday, October 13, 2022

CH. 7 Our Path.

As we start to develop a process there will be events that will shake up the cement. The question becomes are we firm enough to hold true to our path as to let the cement dry, or is our foundation shaky enough to be dissuaded from our goals? Can we say no to things that are fun for the sake of our goals. When things lay in front of us for better or for worse, can we say no thank you for that interferes with the path I have already started walking? I think there is a reason why we put in all those steps towards our goal, two works that our paths exist for. The first is a process and the things we do to support that process, the day in and day out of building these skills and staying on track. The second is the utility of that process in our lives. Let us not forget that we are studying in order to implement those skills that we have built. Take the time to remind yourself about the good work of using our works. What have your classes already done for you? Id like to hear it. Thanks guys and until next time peace out.



  1. "What have your classes already done for you?" Excellent question! I look forward to seeing your classmates' responses :-)

    From some of your comments to my and your classmates' posts, I am glad to see IS101-3012, Fall 2022 is having a positive effect on you. Stay on the path, Juan ^_^

  2. Let's see, what have my classes done for me so far besides given me more gray hair and stress lines? Ha Ha. I feel that more than anything, my classes have given me an opportunity to expand my mind and way of thinking. Because of my classes, I feel like I'm on a journey. Yes sometimes I want to stop this journey, but my brain and heart keep pushing me toward the finish line. My classes have made me a more open minded, resilient person.

  3. My classes so far have drained my FFXIV time and sleep schedule to a mere nothing. I am also finding out that I am capable of much more than I thought I was.

  4. Not gonna lie I wasn't much for having good grades in school, but as life went on. I have learn the skills to be focus and manage my time and to know what's important to me. Yes life will try to redirect us and its ok. We learn from our mistakes. I think that was an issue I had was I wasn't learning from my mistakes and felt defeated. Now I take the time to learn from my mistakes and improve myself. We are not perfect but we can learn how to do thing the right way. It may take time but we will get there.

  5. You always ask these thought provoking questions Juan. For me, in this IS 101 class, I've learned so much more about my peers than I would in any other class thanks to these blogs we write. It gives me insight to people's lives and how they view the world. My classmates are not just another face I see every week. I feel that we can all connect somehow, even if it's just reading and replying to blog posts. It's almost like you all are my Saturday morning family.

  6. Ahh Grasshopper, Balance of life, work, health and play are the key to life. To balance is to achieve, To achieve is to prosper and to prosper gives you freedom to choose.

  7. My classes so far have taught me to pay attention to detail. In ACC201, I have to read descriptions carefully so I don't get tricked by words. In HHP123 (Introduction to the Human Body),... there are just too many bones and functions. I'll never get it. But moving on! In MATH124, I have to pay attention to variables and positive and negative signs. In THTR105, I have to be present in the moment to capture what's going on in scenes. In IS101, I have to pick 2 advices from each of the articles for the A5 Slideshow Presentation.

  8. The path to a broader life depends on what narrow valleys you are willing to navigate through. Life will dissuade you into different directions or even different options. Your path will be your path, whether you like it or not. Veni, Vidi, Vici!!

  9. My classes so far have made me pay more attention to smaller details when reading. I mostly skim through text before, but now I have to careful read in case I miss something.

  10. Such a relevant post to what is currently going on around me. My classes that I have taken this far have made me more disciplined but this semester is a real tough one.

  11. I feel the same way about you! Every time we set a goal, there are difficulties and obstacles in our way. But I know we must firmly believe we can finally achieve our ultimate goal! Let's cheer together!

  12. I feel the same way about when we set goals and such. We will all achieve goals if we put our hearts and minds and do our best and never give up.

  13. My classes taught me how to manage my time and not procrastinate on assignments. I have developed a TO-DO list to stay on top of assignments and it sure has helped!

  14. “Can we say no to things that are fun for the sake of our goals”. I have changed a few things to help me stay on track with the goals I've set in the past, but all of those choices were motivated; they weren't just something I had to do because they were more important; rather, they were choices I was driven to do because of some kind of motivation.

  15. I really agree with having to choose more important goals over other funner activities. This class in particular has peaked my interest in getting better at computers.

  16. These classes have taught me to better manage my work load.
