Saturday, September 17, 2022

Ch. 3 Study, study, study, study, study.

-Enough said-

Poem by Silver Ray Evens 

    The beautiful thing about free form poetry or vers libre, is that it has no defined meter, no consistent rhyme scheme, and no specified length or formal requirements. It just needs to HIT you where it counts and elicit a response. I would like to know how many of you felt something after reading this poem made up of just three words and the feelings you felt after reading this poem. Until next week my fellow classmates remember, Study, study, study, study, study.

@ Kelsey Borch
*always credit your artist*


  1. Study = Lessons in LabSim

    Practice = Labs in LabSim

    Analyze and Answer = Bonus Quiz 4 Topics

    Review and/or Fix = TD01 & TD02

    Comment = Blog Posts

  2. Study, study, study. That's what I feel like my life is made up of now. Just work, home, study, sleep. Wake and repeat.

  3. On the same boat as you Tiff. All my free time right now is on homework. Work, homework, rest and repeat.

  4. Story of a lifetime. I have never had to study so hard like I do now. Poetry is a beautiful thing and I love writing poetry. I will share some of my poems in a future post. Study, study, study for my midterm next week I shall, for if I don't and fail, I'll weep till the year's final week.

  5. It's incredible how much you appreciate poetry! Learning is really the only way to improve ourselves!

  6. Love how all your blog posts so far have incorporated poetry. They all seamlessly flow with what the majority of us post about weekly: time management, stress, etc.

  7. The poetry is great. It helps reduce the stress of studying.

  8. Did I miss the poem? That was my initial thought. I was brought right back to reality that I do need to sit down and study for the first certification. The poem did get a reaction out of me.

  9. Yes indeed, study study, study. This will make you succeed in school along with understanding what you are studying.

  10. The poem did get a reaction out of me as well.

  11. I am in the same spot as you all of my free time is no longer spent playing Final Fantasy XIV but college work.

  12. How did I feel after reading this? Well, I felt confused because that's what poetry is supposed to do—make us confused so we can look closely and genuinely get it.

  13. I love to write freely, I am not a poet but one day I hope to publish my second book.

  14. Love how most your posts has had poetry in it.

  15. Exam week is soon so all I do is study study study! College is not for the weak.

  16. Your poem is definitely the story of my life lately!

  17. I love free form poetry. I participate in spoken word events often. I definitely needed to read this post. Thank you.

  18. I feel like all I do is study, work, cook, clean, and repeat.

  19. I think free form is the best, because there are no restrictions on your expressions, no restrictions on the length of the poem or the words and patterns that can be used. You are free to be who you feel you are through your poetry.
