Thursday, December 15, 2022

Ch. 16 - Ending.

CH. 16 – Ending

As we share in a laugh, looking back to the sparks that bolstered the flame; we acknowledge the hard work it took to tend to the fire. The diligence of buckling down and picking the trees for the best wood, to ensure that we can be mindful of our actions as we await the sunrise. Along the way, as we fanned the flames we found that we weren’t alone. There were other people working diligently right beside you all along. Stoking their own fires and while we may not all be eating the same dish we all are sharing the same pot. We prep what we must to eat the fine meal that is the fruit of our labors. Together hand and hand we find gratitude as we all step one step closer to being able to truthfully answer one of life’s shortest yet hardest questions. Hello, who are you? We have laughed together, we have grown together, and we have cried together. This paper is just a paper that tells us what we already know. What matters is that, as we sit here watching the sunshine over the hills of our accomplishments, reflecting the next mountain to come; is that we take this moment to eat the meals we have prepared with the flames of our own fires and share of the fruits that we have grown with one another. Ah, yes that was a good book… and so we close it looking at the shelf perhaps one day along the road, we will write another book together? Only time will tell. Rejoice, be marry, now it’s time to rest, now it’s time to eat, now it’s time to sleep.

Ch. 16 - Ending -JMM

Thursday, December 8, 2022

CH. 15 MOS Associate.

I got a perfect score on the PowerPoint exam the other day, which now makes me a MOS Associate... all I have to say as I type this is just Im grateful. I am grateful for this wonderous learning environment I find myself in, Im grateful for the peers that Im surrounded with and I am grateful for the incredible mentor that we all have this semester. Thank you Professor Wu, your hard work has not gone unacknowledged. 

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Ch. 14 - 6.9.3 Slide Zoom

Kiosk Mode!

Sounds fun and it really is. I truly enjoyed learning on how to set up your presentation as if it was a kiosk. I recommend you play with the insert zoom options and play around with the function. Being able to jump around from slide sections to panels can give you more control. The possibility to use the zoom button to manage your presentation for multiple audiences is phenomenal. 

Thursday, November 24, 2022

CH. 13 - Checking in.

I normally use these blogs as a way to express myself, although today I wanted to take this CH. 13 and its significance of what the number means to me, to take a second ask you all, How are you guys, really truly; how are you guys feeling? I am grateful for all the comments you have left in the past two months and would just like to take the time see where my peers are at in their life's right now. If you don't wish to share that is fine I can respect that, feel free to leave *no comment* if you must. So from the top, thank you all and how are you?

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Ch. 12 Terza rima ... ish

Swamped, crushed, mired, moored.

Yes a rampaging beast that does not cease.

The end of term can be a boar.

One can often find themselves with books thrown into their face.

We drink cup after cup of vigorous viscous liquid.

To what end do we chase?

We obscure ourselves from the truth blinded by these waters we find ever so limpid.

The path in front of us may be clear but getting there can fill one with fear.

A fear so true that it may leave one’s soul fridged.

Creeping ebbing a fear ever so near.

Shout, fight, self-affirm, through all these doubts and all these trials we rise.

No matter how far or how close our dreams are, side by side together we will Persevere.

A Poem by Silver Ray Evens

Friday, November 11, 2022

CH. 11 Sleep


Slow your breathing, take the time to make your space a comfortable one. Breath in a deep breath for four seconds, hold that breath for7 seconds, than exhale while whispering these words for about 8 seconds. Take the time to truly hear the pronunciation from your mouth. The full 8 seconds do not have to be spent saying the word just the attention to what is being said and the counting of how long you exhale before your repeat to the next word. Do this four times then read the last word. 

  • Sibilance
  • Tranquility
  • Loquacious
  • Lagniappe
  • Epiphany
  • Plethora
  • Vellichor
  • Aurora

Thursday, November 3, 2022

CH. 10 5.10.1 Creating Outlines


5.10.1 Creating Outlines

This section got me, it is not the easiest to wrap my brain around because my head wants to know every little thing like how did excel know to grab that data or how to make that data part of the outline. But at the end of the day we only need to learn how to create, collapse & expand. modify, and remove the outline. So remember go to the data tab on the ribbon of Excel and click subtotal in the outline section to get the wonderful little window that pops up and helps you set everything. best way to learn for this one unfortunately is just by doing. 

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Ch 9 - Brighter Times

 Brighter Times

There will be sunshine, come tomorrow.

There will be smiles and better days, come tomorrow.

There will be music, come tomorrow.

There will be happiness and love for your fellow man, come tomorrow.

Yes, come tomorrow there will be sunshine and no reason to cry.

Oh, tonight let’s focus on tomorrow.

Oh, tonight let’s focus on bringing laughter, and song so we can forget about sorrow.  

Oh, tonight let’s focus on showing kindness so that come tomorrow.

Yes, come tomorrow there will be sunshine, for tonight we showed love for one and each other.

Like brothers and sisters, we can live for tomorrow.

Like brothers and sisters, we can have love for our neighbor.

Like brothers and sisters, we can live for tomorrow.

Yes, come tonight let’s show harmony so that there will be sunshine come tomorrow.

Poem by Silver Ray Evens.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Ch 8 - 4.2.3 - Document File Formats

  • Doc - Word documents from 97-2003 are in this format.
  • Docx - Default document that Word saves as.
  • HTML - Converts the document into a webpage.
  • PDF - Is the most portable, great for final documents and locks in the stylings. 
  • TXT - Can be opened in any program that can read text but will strip any formatting.





Here's hoping this helps in understanding when to use what kind of  documents. 

Thursday, October 13, 2022

CH. 7 Our Path.

As we start to develop a process there will be events that will shake up the cement. The question becomes are we firm enough to hold true to our path as to let the cement dry, or is our foundation shaky enough to be dissuaded from our goals? Can we say no to things that are fun for the sake of our goals. When things lay in front of us for better or for worse, can we say no thank you for that interferes with the path I have already started walking? I think there is a reason why we put in all those steps towards our goal, two works that our paths exist for. The first is a process and the things we do to support that process, the day in and day out of building these skills and staying on track. The second is the utility of that process in our lives. Let us not forget that we are studying in order to implement those skills that we have built. Take the time to remind yourself about the good work of using our works. What have your classes already done for you? Id like to hear it. Thanks guys and until next time peace out.


Thursday, October 6, 2022

Ch. 6 - 2.1.2 Desktop vs. Mobile Devices

Whenever I think of big powerful systems for home use I tend to think about PC gamers yet I forget that most PC gamers won't even touch the full scope of everything that their computer can do. I often overlook the fact that animators and places like Pixar Studios are using there PCs in ways that I never thought of, probably pushing the capabilities of their machines to the limit.

Laptops are fun and all yet I cant help but feel like there portability and power just renders them the perfect little trooper. 

Phones are catching up to some laptops and that is a startling development, I wonder when we are just going to have a hole 3d holographic imager that operates like a PC that springs from our smart watch and runs off of fiber optics.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Ch. 5 Mindfulness - Hello (Your Name)

Q. Hello (Your name)

A. Yes, that is me.

Q. Who are you?

A. I don’t know.

Q. Are you a person, place, or thing?

A. …

Q. If you are a person does that mean you contribute positively to a society?

A. …

Q. If you are a thing are you useful or serve a unique purpose that helps others in a meaningful way?

A. …

Q. or are you a place that offers shelter or comfort to those around you?

A. …

Q. Then what is (Your name)?

A. guess I am a nothing…

Q. Nothing?

A. Yes a nothing that wishes to become something.

Q. What is that something?

A. That is something that remains to be seen, that is the question that we all try to answer.

Q. …(Your name)?

A. Yes, hi; that is me and I look forward to finding out what is me.

-Poem by Silver Ray Evens

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Ch. 4 - 1.1.6 - The binary code

Learning about the binary system and how it is made from electrical charges did overwhelm me.

Image 2: Converting 206 to 11001110

    This section may have been just a brief overview of it, the scope of it is what through me off. Is it necessary for us to learn Binary in order to work in this field? Let me know if you guys think.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Ch. 3 Study, study, study, study, study.

-Enough said-

Poem by Silver Ray Evens 

    The beautiful thing about free form poetry or vers libre, is that it has no defined meter, no consistent rhyme scheme, and no specified length or formal requirements. It just needs to HIT you where it counts and elicit a response. I would like to know how many of you felt something after reading this poem made up of just three words and the feelings you felt after reading this poem. Until next week my fellow classmates remember, Study, study, study, study, study.

@ Kelsey Borch
*always credit your artist*

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Ch. 2 See the Forest for the Trees

We can be as busy as bees with all that is going on with our lives, outside pressures and tensions can lead us to bubbling stress and anxiety. Let us not forget to see the forest for the trees, I was reminded of this task today in class. I had this lump in my throat that was born from all the things I was tackling and the constant fear of not being able to do it, this lump was cleared today when I just took a step back and instead of spending time trying to accomplish the tasks I took the time to examine what the tasks where. Take a step back look at your tasks, and make a schedule, see the forest for the trees as to not get lost in it. I know I did, and I can physically feel some of the weight being lifted. 


Saturday, September 3, 2022

Ch. 1 Fuel For the Fire

    Broken, loss, shattered, discarded. Riddled with anxiety and plagued with depression. Stale water bolsters no plants. Stagnate, cold, growing old. These fears they will not do. “Live your life in suppression or do you conquer this depression?” Words, outside thoughts, feelings, motives renewed. Sparks, lights, a hunger grew. Never again will I fall to that lulling slumber. Sensations of jubilation, yet lost in thought as I stare at the face of this daunting tower. This monolithic path that lays before me, uncertainties rising trying to crush me, steep me back into dark water; like a tea that is left to grow cold if we do not seize this drink then the ending of this journey will never be known. Anxiety replaced with tension, tension replaced with eagerness and eagerness replaced with laughter. Laughter for the unknown that lies ahead. All that we can do is take a sip as we head up this monolith, with fuel for the fire.

Poem by Silver Ray Evens-